震災後すぐにLEGO本社からのお見舞いと励ましのレターが届きました。これは東北のお客様、仲間達にも配信し、われわれにとっても励みとなったものです。その後もWRO東北地区への支援等、弊社と協同で進めまています。デンマーク大使の被災地訪問、そしてデンマーク皇太子がわざわざ被災地をご訪問され子供たちの未来にむけて基金設立されました。デンマーク国内においても日本に向けた寄付や支援活動がなされていることを聞いています。 LEGO社、そしてデンマークのみなさまに感謝申し上げます。
Thank you so much for the expressions of sympathy from LEGO and Denmark to the big earthquake which occured in March.We delivered your letter of encouragement to the disaster area.Fortunately, our customers and friends are safe.They are so impressed with your letter, and are now trying to their usual lives.
We appreciate the visit of the crown prince Frederick to the disaster area, and set up the fund for the children. Also, so warm feelings come over us to know that the Denmark ambassador visited the disaster area just after the earthquake, and many people in your country are praying and donating for Japan.
We may face some difficulties for a while, but we would like to go forward.
We deeply appreciate your friendship and support.
Thank you LEGO.
Thank you Denmark.
and Thank you for all friends in the world.